- XOR decryption
- Spiral primes
- Square root convergents
- Powerful digit sum
- Lychrel numbers
- Combinatoric selections
- Permuted multiples
- Consecutive prime sum
- Prime permutations
- Self powers
- Distinct primes factors
- Goldbach's other conjecture
- Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal
- Pentagon numbers
- Sub-string divisibility
- Coded triangle numbers
- Pandigital prime
- Champernowne's constant
- Integer right triangles
- Pandigital multiples
- Double-base palindromes
- Circular primes
- Digit factorials
- Pandigital products
- Coin sums
- Digit fifth powers
- Distinct powers
- Number spiral diagonals
- Reciprocal cycles
- 1000-digit Fibonacci number
- Lexicographic permutations
- Names scores
- Amicable numbers
- Factorial digit sum
- Counting Sundays
- Maximum path sum I
- Number letter counts
- Power digit sum
- Lattice paths
- Longest Collatz sequence
- Large Sum
- Highly divisible triangular number
- Largest Product on Grid
- Summation of primes
- Special Pythagorean triplet
- Largest product in a series
- 10001st prime
- Sum square difference
- Smallest multiple
- Largest palindrome product
- Largest prime factor
- Even Fibonacci numbers
- Multiple of 3 and 5